Netflix's Solution to Password Sharing

The infamous Netflix screen of death

So you’ve encountered the screen of death… who hasn’t!  Since 2021, Netflix has been cracking down on password sharing in the hopes of supporting its user growth numbers.  The idea was that some portion of these shadow users would covert to paying accounts.  While it’s true they had some success, many users were left frustrated and ultimately kicked out of the market.  Afterall, at $15.49 / month for just a standard account, Netflix isn’t cheap!

After realizing some customers were being priced out of the market, Netflix has now launched two new options.  The first one is a subscription that features advertisements at $6.99 / month and the second is an option to add an additional user to your account for an extra $7.99 / month.  On the first option, it’s a good deal if you don’t mind the random commercials.  You can check it out here.  However, we’re skeptical this deal is going to last.  Netflix has raised prices several times in the last three years and $6.99 doesn’t look sustainable.  The second solution seems great (it’s quite similar to a friendplan!), we just wish it went further.

Under Netflix’s new offer:

  • Any account can add one new external user for $7.99 / month. 
  • It includes access to a standard or premium account (no commercials)
  • That user does not need to live in the same household
  • That user has their own log in credentials, tv favorites, etc…
  • The master account holder pays the total bill
This is a really nice solution for consumers who are password sharing.  $7.99 / month is very affordable for the awesome content that Netflix is generating and we appreciate Neflix’s effort to try to provide an outside household option.  With that said, it could be better.  There’s so many of us with more than just one person sharing our account.  It’s a shame the limit is just one additional person.  Also, coordinating payments really is a hassle.  I’m not sure I want to add my friend to my account and have to deal with sending them a venmo every month.  This seems like a better option for generous parents who are willing to keep their son or daughter on their plan, rather than a solution for group of friends.  It’s a step in the right direction, but we hope Netflix will keep innovating or eventually join us here at Friendplan where we’ve already got the answers to these problems!



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